Saturday, November 21, 2009

Savannah railing

Pitch Walk, April 2009

Pitch Walk, 21 November 2009

Just a few weeks ago a new railing began appearing around the Savannah. There was always a railing on the north side, but most of the rest was railing-free. Now this new railing is being installed all the way around. It's not clear what the purpose is. Gaps have been left for some of the benches, and there are other small gaps for walking through and big ones to accommodate trucks.

The photos show a section of the Pitch Walk before the railing and after. Personally I prefer it before. I sat down to paint today only to find a black bar blocking my view at eye level. It's surprisingly annoying. I wonder who decided this and why.

[Countdown: Empty pages in main sketchbook = 71]

Saturday, November 14, 2009


They had a set of children's markers in the grocery yesterday, "ultra washable". The colours looked more subtle than the usual markers so I bought a set and did a page of marks to see what they could do. Somehow the marks came out whimsical and -- silly? -- was it the markers or was it me?

17.11.09 -- photo replaced.