Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tree, Chaguaramas 4

Tree, grey and yellow blocks

The grey and yellow blocks are printed. Started out with fifteen, printed one upside-down by mistake and a couple more are doubtful. There was a complication with the grey because the "plate" is thick styrotex and it threw the registration off a bit.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tree, Chaguaramas 3

Although I haven't been posting I'm working on the tree and have started cutting the blocks. This time I'm making a separate block for each colour and this is the "separation" for the black block:

The "Black" separation for the Tree linocut (shaded areas)

The shaded areas will be left on the block and will be printed with black ink, everything else will be cut away.

It's funny, twenty years ago in 1991, it was all in the day's work to do sophisticated colour separations on the computer, everything automated and fantastic quality. Today, along with millions of others, I'm working out which shape goes on which block with pen and paper, and cutting it laboriously by hand, shaving by shaving, and getting satisfaction and enjoyment from the process. I feel there's some deep lesson to be learned if I could only think what it is.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tree, Chaguaramas 2

Feeling I didn't know the tree well enough I decided to make some exploratory studies. First I played around with the drawing in Gimp (or do you say, The Gimp?), which I'm just starting to learn.

Tree, digital manipulation of drawing
Then I made a collage, in fact am still working on it, there are some changes from this afternoon which are not in the photo . . .  I have no definite plan in mind yet.

Tree, collage
Still don't know it well enough so I made a drawing from a photo taken at the same time. This has more detail and gives me more of a feel for the tree. Am thinking I need to go back to Chaguaramas and do another drawing and find out what species it is -- the trunk looks as if it might be a young Banyan?

Tree, graphite
Don't seem to be anywhere near a print yet, this could take a while, much more than two weeks. It has become very interesting to me and I want to take time to explore it, wherever it may lead.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tree, Chaguaramas

Tree, Chaguaramas, graphite

I've been looking for a drawing for a relief print and think I'll try this one which I did in Chaguaramas on Saturday May 15 on a drawing/painting day with a group from Women in Art. Will report progress as it goes along, though not necessarily every stage -- the print will take at least a couple of weeks. Haven't decided yet what techniques or colours I'll be using. Here goes . . .