Sunday, July 21, 2013


I'm starting a newsletter which is intended mainly for new work instead of posting new work here. Initially it will go to email subscribers to my blog, and to many existing email Contacts. If we have not been in touch for a long while I may instead send you an email with an invitation to subscribe (some have already received this). Clicking the link will take you to the subscription form where you can enter your email address. This is to ensure that people don't get unwanted stuff in their mailboxes.

In spite of these precautions, because it's a mass mailing the Newsletter may very well end up in your spam folder or under the new "Promotion" tab in some email providers. Considering how fabulously interesting the newsletter is, this seems unfair, but that's how it works these days. So if you don't receive it and you thought you should, check your spam and/or Promotions tab.

The frequency will be maximum once a month; but it may be less, possibly every two months, certainly not less than quarterly.

I'm aiming to make it useful for people who are interested in art, whether making it or enjoying it or collecting it; something concrete to make it worth your time. The first issue is written and almost ready to send out. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please click here.

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